AI Guides, AI Image Generator

Best Free AI Image Generators of 2024 : Worth A Try

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Ever had a mind-blowing idea to see a robot DJ rocking in a neon jungle? A dragon soaring through a pixel art sky? Imagine the possibilities!

Well, in the hunt of best AI tools, today is the turn of ai image generators that can make these dream happen in reality.

These Text to image ai tools are total game-changers. But with so many AI art generators out there, choosing one can be tough. Don’t worry, I’ve been in your shoes and I’m here to lend you a hand!

I’ve tested more then 20 AI image generators and created a list of the 10 best free AI image generators of 2024. I tested each tool providing the same prompt to compare outputs to give you the transparency about these AI tools.

Artists, designers, dreamers – get ready to level up your creativity. These AI picture generator from text tools are about to become your new secret weapon.

By the end, you’ll know exactly which one is right for you and be ready to create amazing AI images. Let’s go!

AI image generators are computer programs that create images based on text descriptions. They utilize artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning models trained on vast datasets of images and text. These models learn patterns and relationships between words and visuals, allowing them to generate images that match the given descriptions.

AI image generators are versatile tools used for various purposes, from creating artistic visuals to generating product mockups or marketing materials. Their output can range from realistic photographs to abstract art, depending on the specific model and training data.

Text Input: In this process the AI has a Transformer model which basically converts your text description into a numerical representation (embedding). You provide a detailed description of the image you want (e.g., “An oil painting of a fluffy cat sitting on a bookshelf beside a glowing fireplace”). The AI breaks down your description into key concepts and relationships.

Image Generation: Then comes this part, Here AI uses a process called “diffusion” to create an image that matches your description:

  • A random noise image is created at first.
  • Then the diffusion model Gradually refines the image in multiple steps, guided by your text input.

This process is repeated gradually making the image cleaner and more aligned with your description.

In another process called ‘GANs‘, GANs consist of two neural networks, a generator and a discriminator, that work together. The generator creates images, while the discriminator evaluates them. The generator aims to produce images that are indistinguishable from real images, while the discriminator tries to distinguish between real and generated images. Through this adversarial process, the generator improves over time.

Now let’s move forward to find our Best AI image Generator, before that….

My testing methodology

I will use a single prompt for these each text to image ai and will share the Generated output by each tool with you to compare.

Prompt: Lemon, sinking in water tank, high speed, professional photography, hyper realistic, 4K

Let’s Go…!

Screenshot from leonardo ai
Screenshot from Leonardo AI

If you’ve ever wished you could simply describe A picture and watch it come to life, Leonardo Al can make your dreams a reality. It’s a friendly Al art generator – no complex Skills needed!

I’ve been using Leonardo AI myself and absolutely personally love it. Whether I want to see “a fluffy corgi dog dressed as a pirate” or “a watercolor landscape bathed in the light of a setting sun,” I just type it in and it gives me exactly what i have imagined.

Leonardo AI is particularly skilled at creating images with realistic people and details. It’s also got a super cool canvas feature where you can use the power of AI to edit, enhance, and even add realistic 3D effects to your creations.

I use Leonardo Al daily and It’s become my absolute favorite Al image Generator – I can’t get enough of those free Tokens! One downside of Leonardo AI or even any other iamge model is that they are not good when it comes to Text in the images. Still, give Leonardo AI a try and know yourself why I love it!

Here are the features of Leonardo AI:

  • Image Generation: This feature allows you to create images with text prompts.
  • Photorealism: This feature allows you to generate images that are indistinguishable from photographs.
  • Image to image: Apply the style of one image to another image.
  • Higher Resolutions: Generate images in higher resolutions.
  • Motion: Converts images to motion Videos.
  • Real-time Canvas: Create and transform your sketches into art in real-time.
  • Training and Datasets: Train your own AI model to create images in a specific style.
  • Texture Generation: Create textures for 3D assets.


  • Leonardo AI has an incredible ability to produce images that are remarkably lifelike with photoreal mode.
  • Provide a professional prompt generator from simple text if you are a noob!
  • You can train your own AI models with your images which gives you more control over the output.
  • Gives you 150 tokens to use per day which are enough to play with in the beginning.


  • With alchemy turned off, Designs in the free version are more distorted and lack some of the beautiful design features.
  • Leonardo AI does not allow you to create images that are not safe for work (NSFW), such as nudity, violence, or gore.
  • Universal image upscaler Usage 30 Tokens to upscale an image out of total 150 tokens /day.

Leonardo Ai offers three pricing plans:

  1. Apprentice – upto 8500 generations at 12$ per month
  2. Artisan – upto 25500 generations at 30$ per month
  3. Maestro – upto 60000 generation per month 60$ per month
Image Generated by Leonardo AI

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Screenshot from Microsoft Designer
Screenshot from Microsoft Designer

Okay, if you’re into AI image generation, check out Image Creator from Microsoft Designer earlier known as Bing AI image creator. basically It uses DALL-E 3, so the results totally blow the free version of DALL-E out of the water – and guess what, it’s still free! Love that coz recently Microsoft gave the GPT-4 FREE access to all users.

Whether you need a quick illustration for a blog post or some snazzy social media graphics or some 3d ai images, this tool has you covered. You can find it on the Image Creator website (just sign in with your Microsoft account), or the coolest part – it’s built right into Microsoft’s Copilot chatbot.

Just tell Copilot what kind of image you want, and boom! Plus, this combo is amazing for stuff like party planning. Additionally it has a built in editor with styles, so if you want any other style for your image you can switch to another one and the AI will regenerate your image.

Yeah, maybe it doesn’t have all the crazy customization alike some paid tools, but for being so easy and free, Bing Image Creator is definitely a win in my list.

  • Text-to-Image Generation: The core of the tool. Describe what you want to see and Image Creator uses AI to produce 04 matching visuals at a time.
  • DALL-E 3 Integration: The use of OpenAI’s powerful DALL-E 3 image generation model ensures higher quality results than many competing AI generators.
  • Built in Editor: You will have an editor where you can just access 8 other models(i.e. pixel art, water color) and regenerate your images in different styles.


  • Free Access: You can unleash your creativity without worrying about costs.
  • Integration with Microsoft Products: Seamless use within the Microsoft ecosystem (Designer, Edge, Copilot) makes image generation convenient.
  • High-Quality Images: The use of DALL-E 3 ensures visually impressive and creative results that often surpass other free AI image generators.
  • Low Barrier to Entry: Even if you’re new to AI image generation, the user-friendly interface makes it easy to jump in.


  • Style Limitations: Artists or designers needing precise control over every element of the image might find Image Creator restrictive compared to more specialized tools.
  • Account Dependency: If you’re averse to creating a Microsoft account (yeah, it’s bit of a headache), this tool won’t be an option for you.


No subscription fee, no credit system, completely free to use.

image created with microsoft designer
Screenshot from Dreamstudio by stability AI
Screenshot from Dreamstudio AI

The third free text to image generator in my list is Dreamstudio, I’ve been playing around with DreamStudio by Stability AI, and gotta say, it’s a pretty neat way to turn your imagination into visuals. Did you know the same folks behind it created Stable Diffusion, that open-source image generator everyone’s talking about and using? 

One thing I really like is all the options it gives me. I describe what I want to see – maybe ‘a hyper-realistic landscape of an alien world’ – and DreamStudio generates a bunch of images based on that.

I can even feed negative prompt I don’t want in the image, and change up the size and shape easily, which isn’t always an option with other free AI art generators.

Plus, DreamStudio has a free tier to let you try it out before committing, and even offers tools like inpainting and outpainting for editing existing images.

Obviously, it might not be the best choice if you need total control over every little pixel in an image, but for getting ideas out of my head and into visuals quickly, or just having fun exploring what AI can create, DreamStudio definitely delivers.

  • Turning Text into Art: Simply describe the image you envision, and the AI takes care of generating visuals based on your words.
  • Style Control: Refine your creations with features like “negative prompts” to exclude unwanted elements and achieve the exact style you desire.
  • Multiple Takes on a Single Idea: Provide a single prompt, and DreamStudio will generate 04 variations of the image, sparking new creative possibilities into each.
  • Beginner-Friendly Interface: I personally find DreamStudio’s user interface welcoming, making it perfect for both AI enthusiasts and those completely new to the concept.
  • Pay-as-You-Go Flexibility: DreamStudio utilizes a credit system. You purchase credits to generate images, offering more control over your spending.
  • Image Editing Magic: DreamStudio boasts inpainting and outpainting tools, allowing you to seamlessly modify existing photos or artworks.


  • Easy to Jump Right In: Honestly, DreamStudio is one of the most beginner-friendly AI image tools I’ve used.
  • Pay as per images: I like that they give you a taste for free, then you basically buy credits as you need them. Feels way less risky than getting locked into a subscription.
  • Option to add Negative Prompt: Okay, you won’t be tweaking every single pixel, but being able to say “don’t add this” or change the image shape is surprisingly powerful.
  • Editing Extras: Being able to change or expand existing images with inpainting and outpainting opens up a bunch of creative possibilities.


  • Not for Control Freaks: If you need absolute precision over every little detail, DreamStudio might feel limiting. There’s some customization, but not down-to-the-pixel level.
  • Watch Those Credits: It’s easy to get carried away making cool stuff, and those credits can disappear fast if you’re asking for complex images or super high resolution.

AI Gonna AI: Let’s be real, sometimes you get a masterpiece, other times…well, the AI gets a bit too creative. It’s part of the fun, but part of the potential frustration too.

DreamStudio by Stability AI operates on a credit-based system. This offers flexibility compared to subscription-only models, as you can purchase credits as needed to generate images. Here’s how it works:

  • Free to Get Started: Receive 25 free credits upon creating your account and experiment with DreamStudio.
  • Pay-as-You-Go: Purchase credits as needed to generate images starting from 10$ for 1000credits/ 5000images. On average, each image costs around 1.8 credits, with the price of 100 credits being $1.
  • Your purchased credits never expire, so there’s no pressure to use them up quickly.


Image generated by Dreamstudio AI

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Screnshot from Ideogram AI
Screnshot from Ideogram AI

Okay, if you’re into cool graphics or just want to turn your ideas into something visual, check out Ideogram AI.

It’s basically an AI artist that listens to you! Describe whatever you’re imagining – a quirky robot, a fantasy landscape, a catchy new logo – and it’ll whip up an image based on what you said.

The awesome thing is, you don’t need to be a pro designer or anything. Ideogram AI is made to be super easy to use. Plus, it was built by a bunch of ex-Google engineers, so you know the tech behind it is pretty smart.

They even have a whole community going on, so you can get inspired by other people’s creations and share your own stuff. Best part? There’s a free version you can try out before getting hooked.

This is best in understanding the details of your prompt, like if you ask it write “Best AI image Generators 2024” over the image, it literally writes ir without any mistakes. I do create lot of my article featured image with Ideogram only.

Ideogram AI is a pretty cool tool for anyone interested in creating visuals from their ideas. Let’s break down what it can do:

  • Text-to-Image: This is the main draw. You tell Ideogram AI what you want an image to look like, and it does its best to make it for you.
  • Magic Prompt: Need a logo, poster, stickers, or even product labels? Ideogram AI can make the process simple with magic Prompt feature, even if you don’t have prompt writing skills.
  • Flexible Image Sizes: Whether you need something square for social media or a wide image for a website, you can choose the best size (or aspect ratio) for your needs. Choose from aspect ratios like square (1:1), portrait (10:16), or landscape (16:10) and many more for the perfect format.
  • A Creative Community: Ideogram AI has an active community where you can share your creations, see what others are making, and follow artists you like. It adds a social element to the whole thing.
  • Fun with Contests: Keep an eye out for the occasional contests Ideogram AI hosts. They add an extra challenge and sometimes even have prizes.

Overall, Ideogram AI is designed to be easy to use and flexible for different needs. So if you’re curious about playing around with AI-generated images or want to create a logo give it a try!


  • Free to Use: Ideogram AI offers a free tier of usage
  • Voting System: A built-in voting system lets users interact with generated images.
  • Inspiration Curation: Ideogram AI makes it easy to browse recent, trending, and top images, serving as a constant source of inspiration for users.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface is designed to be very easy and beginner friendly.
  • Contests: Occasional contests offer a fun challenge and incentivize participation, fostering engagement within the community.


  • Learning Curve for Effective Prompts
  • Possible Censorship: To prevent the generation of harmful or offensive content, Ideogram AI likely has filters and safeguards.
  • Unpredictable Results: The outcome of image generation can still have some random elements, making it harder to get precise results every time.

Ideogram AI Offers Both Free and Paid Options

Yes, you can start exploring Ideogram AI’s models (V1.0, V0.1, & V0.2) for free! After signing in with your Google account, you’ll be able to generate up to 100 images (using 25 prompts) per day.

Ideogram AI also has paid plans for those who need more:

  • Basic Plan ($7/month):  Generate 100 images per day in the slow queue, plus get handy features like private generation, priority processing for up to 1600 images monthly, and PNG downloads.
  • Plus Plan ($16/month): Get unlimited usage and super-fast priority generation for up to 4000 images per month.
Image generated by Ideogram AI

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Screenshot from Adobe Firefly
Screenshot from Adobe Firefly

Hey there! Last but not the least, here comes Adobe Firefly. It’s a decent AI tool that’s changing the game for creative folks.

If you have a specific image in your head, maybe a detailed scene or an object you wish existed. Well, Firefly lets you describe it with words, and then poof! It generates a visual representation for you. Pretty amazing, right?

But all the above ai image generator also does the same then what makes Firefly special? Here’s the kicker: It works seamlessly with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps, like Photoshop, the editing software everyone knows and loves. This means you can easily move your AI-generated images into your existing projects, saving you tons of time.

Other than generating images It’s also a master at editing existing photos. Say you have a picture with a boring background. No problem! With Firefly’s Generative Fill feature, you can describe a new scene, and Firefly will replace the background with a realistic, context-aware image. It’s like magic!

Now, it’s true that sometimes Firefly’s image generation from pure text descriptions can be a bit hit or miss. But when it comes to editing existing photos, it truly shines.

Now Adobe firefly is not just limited to ai image generation even it has capable tools which gonna brainstorm you.

Here are the features of Adobe Firefly:

  • Text-to-Image Generation: Users can generate images from a description.
  • Generative Fill: This feature allows users to add, remove, or replace parts of an image using a simple text prompt.
  • Generative Expand: This feature allows users to seamlessly fill an expanded canvas with matching content.
  • Text Effects: Users can apply styles or textures to words and phrases.
  • Reference Images: Users can guide the style and structure of their creations by adding reference images.
  • Over 100 Supported Languages: Users can create text prompts in over 100 languages.
  • Creates new graphics.
  • Unlocks endless color combinations.
  • It can fill or expand images.
  • Produces dazzling text effects.
  • Adds or removes objects from images.
  • Generates images from a description.
  • Creates editable templates from a text description.
  • Generates SVGs from a text description.
  • Stands out for its commercial safety with purchased plan.
  • Integrates with other Creative Cloud apps.
  • May generate inaccurate or unexpected results due to language translation.Currently in beta, so some features may not be for commercial use.
  • Free Version has its watermark on ai image generated images.

Adobe Firefly is available in different plans:

  • The Free plan includes:
    • Over 155,000 professionally designed static and video templates
    • 25 generative credits per month for generative AI tools
    • A limited collection of Adobe Stock photos, videos, and music
    • Additional features
  • The Premium plan offers:
    • Additional features
  • The Creative Cloud All Apps and Single App paid plans include:
    • Firefly output indemnification for select plans
  • The Enterprise plan offers:
    • Customized features for businesses with 100+ users
Image generated by IdeoGram AI

Here’s a breakdown of the AI image generators i listed, comparing their strengths and weaknesses against each other:

Leonardo AI

  • Strengths: Highly detailed and realistic image generation, extensive customization options, array of image modification tools, cost-effective.
  • Weaknesses: Can have a steeper learning curve than some beginner-focused options, less emphasis on a streamlined workflow compared to integrated tools like Adobe Firefly.

Adobe Firefly

  • Strengths: Seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud, responsible AI focus, powerful image editing with Generative Fill.
  • Weaknesses: Can be inconsistent in pure text-to-image generation, less customizable than some alternatives.

Image Creator by Microsoft AI

  • Strengths: Easy to use, potential for good integration with Microsoft products, likely to be focused on practical and commercial image generation.
  • Weaknesses: Still under development, may lack the artistic capabilities of other options, specific features are relatively unknown.

Dream Studio (Stability AI)

  • Strengths: Highly customizable thanks to Stable Diffusion’s open-source nature, affordable, diverse image generation capabilities.
  • Weaknesses: Requires some technical understanding to use effectively, web interface can be less intuitive than streamlined commercial options.

Ideogram AI

  • Strengths: Focus on artistic and abstract image generation, easy to use, potential for creating unique visuals.
  • Weaknesses: May not be as strong for realistic image generation, less flexibility in customization compared to some others.

Leonardo: Choose Leonardo AI if you crave realistic, highly detailed images, desire granular customization over the generation process, want a variety of image modification tools alongside generation capabilities, and appreciate cost-effectiveness. Its advanced features like inpainting and outpainting also make it a great tool when exploring cutting-edge AI image techniques.

Adobe Firefly: Best for Adobe users needing a smooth workflow, those prioritizing responsible AI practices, and those heavily focused on image editing.

Microsoft Image Creator: Likely a good fit if you prioritize ease of use, a beginner, are already part of the Microsoft ecosystem, and want practical image generation for commercial or personal use.

Dream Studio: Excellent choice for those wanting extensive customization, affordability, and aren’t intimidated by a little technical setup.

Ideogram AI: Ideal for creating artistic/abstract pieces or logo for your business quickly and easily, or if seeking highly unique visual styles.

I picked these AI image generators to show off the variety out there! This mix helps highlight what matters when choosing one.  Adobe Firefly and Microsoft Image Creator show how easily these tools can be used in their parent apps. Dream Studio is all about creative control, while Ideogram AI shows how they can specialize in cool art styles.  Finally, Leonardo AI and Microsoft’s new entry make me excited about how realistic and advanced these tools are getting.

My goal is to give a well-rounded picture – from big-name brands to smaller players, artistic freedom to realistic photos, and even how they’re being developed. Hopefully, this helps you if interested in AI images find what’s right for you!

Alternatives to the AI image generators we’ve discussed, along with reasons why you might consider them:

While the generators discussed offer a great start, the AI image revolution is far from over! Here are some other noteworthy options:

JitterPix AI: The platform offers various styles and aspect ratios, making it flexible for different creative needs. Users can describe what they envision, and JitterPix AI uses sophisticated algorithms to generate images that match those descriptions accurately.

NightCafe Creator: Excels with artistic styles, offering a wide variety of filters and effects. Great if you want your images to have a distinct look, try it.

Artbreeder: Specializes in creating portraits and characters, making it popular for concept art and illustrations, Give it a try.

Jasper Art: Tightly integrated with the Jasper AI writing tool, ideal for those needing visuals to accompany their text content.

DALL-E Mini (Craiyon): A fun and easily accessible web-based generator for quick experimentation, though often less refined than its paid counterparts.

Numerous Open-Source Options: Explore projects based on Stable Diffusion for advanced users seeking ultimate control and the freedom to experiment with code.

Remember, this field evolves quickly! Don’t hesitate to revisit tools you’ve tried previously, as updates and newly emerging AI image generators may have just what you’re looking for.

Honestly, exploring these best free AI image generators from text has been a blast! Each one brings unique strengths to the table.  For me, Leonardo AI proved the top choice with its realistic images and potential for game assets. It’s great to have a tool on hand that can conjure up the detailed scenes and objects I imagine.

On the other hand, I’m super curious to see where Microsoft takes its Image Creator down the line. I gave the second position to Microsoft coz it’s free to use and gives you chance to use DALL-E 3. Dreamstudio AI takes a close third – i loved it features, power to generate images and of course the credit system

Ideogram AI takes the 4th place coz it’s so easy to use, and I love the creative vibes it has for logo design and other art projects.

Adobe Firefly, while impressive, felt like a better fit for serious graphic designers deeply embedded in the Adobe ecosystem.

But what’s amazing is that this is just a snapshot in time. The world of AI is moving at lightning speed!

So, I’d love to hear which generators you think are winners and any cool gems you’ve found along the way. Share your favorites in the comments!

In the future, AI image generators are expected to benefit a wide range of industries, including marketing and advertising, e-commerce, entertainment and media, healthcare, real estate, and education.

DALL-E 3 is considered the best AI image generator for high-resolution, realistic images but its paid within Chatgpt plus. And second crown goes to Leonardo ai.

Ideogram AI is considered the best AI image generator for artistic style diversity, as it offers a wide range of styles, including photorealistic, abstract, and artistic.

Leonardo AI is considered the best AI image generator for personalized model training, as it allows users to train their own models to generate images that match their specific needs.

Craiyon is considered the best AI image generator for user-friendly art creation, as it is known for its easy-to-use interface and ability to generate images with just a few clicks.

Microsoft image creator and Ideogram AI are considered the best AI image generator for beginners as it offers a range of features that facilitate prompt writing and includes expressive chips and style suggestions.

Dream by WOMBO is considered the best AI image generator for your phone, as it offers a mobile app and has a free limited access version, making it a great option for those who don’t want to spend too much money

Midjourney is considered the best AI image generator for high-quality renderings and crystal clear images, but it’s a paid one. For free one leonardo ai wins the crown.

Yes, Microsoft image creator is completely free to use.

Yes, google does have an image generator called imageFX but it’s not available worldwide yet.

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Harvansh Chaudhary is the Founder and Author of, His passion for artificial intelligence drives him to delve into new AI tools, offering detailed articles and reviews for both enthusiasts and professionals.

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